Exhibitors InfoRMation

Looking to exhibit?

Brett Carter Events invites your company and/or organisation to exhibit at the 2024 Apprenticeship/Traineeship and Jobs Expos to provide information, advice and answers to questions from thousands of potential students, apprentices, trainees, parents, career and job seekers.

Don’t miss out! If your organisation is looking to tap into the young people of the Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Central Coast Regions for your recruitment needs, then these are the events you need to be at.

To ensure confirmation of your booking, please register early as historically registrations fill up fast and once we meet our venue capacity, we will need to close the process.

Registrations are now open for each individual Expo or for the five Expos at a discounted rate.


Our sponsorship opportunities offer some of the best possible formal and informal ways to market your organisation and provide you with the platform to communicate, promote and advertise your product and services to a large target audience. It also delivers a clear message to the community that your organisation has a genuine commitment to our young people and a future highly skilled workforce.

Gold package –  $10,000 + GST

Silver package  – $7,000 + GST

Bronze package –  $5,000 + GST

Packages include sponsorship and exhibitor tables at all expos.